A Call from Italy: standUP!
#STANDUPTOGETHER – A Call from Italy is the new social campaign launched by the New York-based communication agency Italian Hub Corporation and i-Italy Network, in collaboration with the Milan advertising creative Pasquale Diaferia of SpecialTeam.

STANDUPTOGETHER is the natural prosecution of the “antivirus campaign†#StandUPforItaly, launched in the USA on March 15 with the aim of repairing the image of Italy, which had been badly damaged in the first phase of the COVID-19 epidemic. The incentive to go further and broaden the campaign while staying deeply rooted in the values of Italianness, has come from the entrepreneurial, intellectual and institutional world in Italy and abroad, eager to find a social platform to share these values with the world.
The mechanism of ‘A Call from Italy’ is the same as in the previous campaign: short one-minute videos made with your mobile phone, where you can launch not only and emotional message, but also ideas and proposals with a global perspective.
STANDUPTOGETHER is the reference hashtag on social networks where all the videos and related discussions are collecte.
#StandUP forItaly: https://www.youritalianhub.com/blogs TOGETHER: https://www.youritalianhub.com/blogs/standuptogether contact: editors@i-italy.org